Leadership Toolbox Series© | Leadership Skills | Team Effectiveness | Leadership and People Management – Level 3 | Leadership and People Management – Level 4 | Leadership and People Management – Level 5.
The Leadership programmes and courses are designed to benchmark corporate leadership capabilities and provide a leadership development road map for business leaders. They enable leaders and managers to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and practices through structured and peer learning.
Leadership and People Management - Level 3
Participants will acquire the relevant knowledge and apply leadership, people management and managerial skills in complex and non-routine work activities.
Leadership and People Management - Level 4
Participants acquire a sound understanding of managerial approaches and apply leadership and people management skills to a broad range of high-level professional work activities.
Leadership and People Management - Level 5
Participants acquire a strategic understanding of current developments in leadership, people management, and managerial approaches.
Team Effectiveness
Team effectiveness refers to the ability of which a team can achieve its goals and objectives.