Critical Core Skills

Interacting with Others | Thinking Critically.

In August 2019, SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) formulated the new Critical Core Skills (CCS), which comprises a total of sixteen (16) competencies grouped into three (3) clusters of skills that workplaces deem highly essential.

Employers can develop CCS amongst their employees so that their organisations remain nimble and agile by reskilling and upskilling their employees when corporate strategies change and business needs transform.

Participants equip with CCS remain relevant to present times and acquire capabilities that they need to perform in the job roles that they serve in, to adapt to changes and seize career development opportunities.

Interacting With Others

Interacting With Others

Learning from other people is one of the most effective ways to acquire new skills and ideas.

Thinking Critically

Thinking Critically

"Thinking Critically" are cognitive skills needed to think broadly and creatively to see connections and opportunities amid change.

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